In GEOMANIA, site recorded images
and sounds are electronically layered so that
the North Atlantic surf washes through Arches
National Park, and a bubbling Icelandic hot spring
percolates through the desert clouds — a
sensuous display of electronically generated color
and texture.
There are many paradoxes in this work, not only
the paradox between free-form image gathering
and very rigorous presentation requirements, and
the paradox between the land and the sea, but
the real obvious one between an emphasis on technology
and romantic beauty. In a way, this work seems
to be a sweet autobiographical romance. |
In GEOMANIA, images wash through
the dry desert in ocean waves, the steam and gases
of the volatile Icelandic landscape and viscous
lava rock unfold on the screen. Here, the landscape
is not rooted in gravity, it is amorphous, malleable,
and changeable. Embedded with layers of geological
time, it is simultaneously death and birth; it
transcends time. |
D E S C R I P T I O N |
GEOMANIA is a two video/four audio
channel video matrix on a 15-minute repeating
loop. Each of the two video laser disk players
provides one video and two audio sources to a
bank of video monitors and four speakers. A synchronizer
aligns the two channels of video for a synchronous
playback. At the end of each 15-minute cycle the
program automatically returns and re-synchronizes
for a repeat performance. |
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